jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

Description Of The Invention

Art Fry's invention is useful for office worker or any type of workers that are willing to leave a little note maybe to remember something or to tell someone something . It was first a 3in paper and only in yellow but now it can have many differenet sizes so you can write bigger things or more thing and also you can choose in different color depending in what is it that you like , or if you can not use bright colors you can choose a dark one , like dark blue .

This was an invention that make easier the life of those people that take a lot of notes in their jobs but a notebook will be to big and difficult to carry every where and if they took a paper out of it , the notebook could look incomplete or disorganize . It will be a total mess to have all the big papers from a notebook in you desk. That is where the Post-it notes come , they are small and they stick to things and are easy to carry , they are basically the solution for almost every problem that notebooks had.

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