jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

Art Fry, Post-it , Cronic

There is a story behine the day that Dr Spencer Silver and Arthur Fry joined their minds and created Post-it notes...
Art Fry was in a workshop where Dr Spencer Silver was te teacher . Silver worked for 3M company and he had been trying to to create a super-stronge adhesive , but it was not completely ready to get out to the public. So he asked , Art Fry to help him to create the adhesive. When they were in the 3M's labority where the workers had all the instruments , to create a new invention for seling. When they were trying all te adhesive in some papers , Art Fry only but a little in the border of the paper because that he will confuse all of them . He was smart enough to notice that he had just created something that they were not even trying to .

Art , Spencer and 3M gave some examples of the Post-it notes that they had just created but they people that were trying it did not like it , because they tought that the papers had to much adhesive and that it was really hard for a common secretary to take one so easily. Years passed , and they tired their best to make the Post.it notes the mast boject out ther to sell. In 1980 they were competely sure that people will like them , because they had the exxact amout of adhesive that was needed and use yellow as it color , because wa Spencer's favorite color and because they told , that it was the best color that was not white , that if any color of pen or pencil was used they would see it .

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